The “BCApp”
If you choose to register with the BCApp, Beyond Compliance (BC) and NEC Software Services UK Limited (the Data Controller) will collect information about you and your surgery and link this information to other relevant information on a confidential basis. NEC is an independent company, expert in the collection and analysis of healthcare data. They manage data on behalf of the National Joint Registry and several other national disease registries. The personal information we will process comprises:
Your name
- Your date of birth
- Your gender
- You telephone number and/or email address
- Details of your planned operation
- Information about your state of health before and after your operation
We collect information about patients like you who are about to receive a new implant and then track their post-operative progress to make sure their implant is performing as expected. This information is reviewed on a regular basis by an independent group of very experienced surgeons and voluntary experts, so that if any problems are noted the manufacturer and implanting surgeon can be contacted and any necessary and appropriate remedial action instituted.
Your participation in this service is entirely optional and all analysis of this data will be for the benefit of you and future patients and will help us to assure the safety and effectiveness of your implant.
BC may also share your personal data with NHS England so that if you have participated in a NHS PROMs survey your responses can be shared with us for inclusion in our analysis of your other BC data.
Should your implant need to be replaced at some point in the future, we may also share certain non-personal details of your original operation with a BC affiliated explant retrieval centre.
Your personally identifiable information will always be handled securely and shared only with those professionals directly involved in your care. Any transfers involving your personal data are fully encrypted and over secure networks. All information is held until such time as the implant is no longer monitored through the BC service, at which point your personal identifiers will be removed from our records.
Anonymised Information about your joint replacement surgery (with all personally identifiable information removed) will be made available to the manufacturer of your implant, to independent advisors to the BC service, and to other surgeons using the same implant.
Your use of the BCApp is voluntary. You do not have to give consent and are free to withdraw consent at any time without giving any reason and without your medical care or legal rights under current data protection legislation being affected.
You can withdraw your consent by notifying us using the contact details listed below, at which point all your personal details will be removed from our records.
TEL: 0845 263 6376 or EMAIL:
Consenting to BC processing your personal and certain special categories of personal data means the processing is lawful under UK GDPR data protection law on the following bases:
- Article 6.1(a): the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes.
- Article 9.2(a): the data subject has given explicit consent to the processing of those personal data for one or more specified purposes, except where domestic law provides that the prohibition referred to in paragraph 1 may not be lifted by the data subject
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